Business/Technical Mathematics
The BC Cook Articulation Committee Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal…
Adrienne Watt This book covers the basics of project management. This in…
Wally Baumback Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD 2D was written as a …
Wendy Tagami and Liz Girard This is book two in a six-book series on funda…
Sherri Melrose, Ph.D.; Debra Dusome, MA; John Simpson, M.Ed.; Cheryl Cro…
Rose M. Spielman; Kathryn Dumper; William Jenkins; Arlene Lacombe; Maril…
Lucas Wright and Krista Lambert The Working Group Guide is a resource fo…
A Creative Commons Textbook Tēnā koutou and welcome to Media Studies 101…
Arden Magtiza; Gary Franceschini; and Arden Magtiza, Gary Franceshini Th…
The BC Cook Articulation Committee Workplace Safety in the Foodservice I…
The BC Cook Articulation Committee Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal…
Adrienne Watt This book covers the basics of project management. This in…
Wally Baumback Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD 2D was written as a …
Wendy Tagami and Liz Girard This is book two in a six-book series on funda…
Sherri Melrose, Ph.D.; Debra Dusome, MA; John Simpson, M.Ed.; Cheryl Cro…